Working with libraries
The library instance and usage
The "lib" class instance is the object which is accessible from any part of
application, as "$this->lib". It is the loader of all class libraries.
Examples of library usage
Get the "Username" value from $_POST Global array.
$username = $this->lib->filter->post('username');
Call method 'some_method()' of addon 'test' using 'addons' class library.
$result = $this->lib->addons->test->some_method();
Output data to CLI using 'cli' library.
Get user browser information using 'client' library.
if($this->lib->client->is_browser()) {
$browser = $this->lib->client->browser();
$browser_version = $this->lib->client->browser_version();
} else {
/* ... */
Get a new instance of 'ini' class library.
$ini_obj = $this->lib->ini->instance('/tmp/test.ini');
$ini_obj->item_set('some_item', 'Some value', 'SOME_SECTION');