
Class libraries


Class library for data validation

File: tokernel.framework/lib/valid.lib.php

Library methods

mixed alpha(string $data)

Check, is string contains only alpha

// Returns 'hello' $result = $this->lib->valid->alpha('hello'); // Returns false $result = $this->lib->valid->alpha('number 55.');

mixed az_09(string $data)

Check string is alpha-numeric with underscores and dashes.

// Returns 'test_55' $result = $this->lib->valid->az_09('test_55'); // Returns false $result = $this->lib->valid->az_09('test 55 !');

mixed between(int $data, int $a, int $b)

Check value between a, b values.

// Returns 55 $result = $this->lib->valid->between(55, 1, 100); // Returns false $result = $this->lib->valid->between(161, 1, 100);

mixed credit_card(mixed $data)

Check is valid credit card. Return card type if number is valid.

Return values: visa, mastercard, amex, discover, diners

// Return 'visa' // Some numbers is hidden $result = $this->lib->valid->credit_card('4847****0051****'); // Return false $result = $this->lib->valid->credit_card('2847958400515861');

mixed digits(int $data [, int $min = -1 ][, int $max = -1])

Check is integer, with string type.

// Return 55 $result = $this->lib->valid->digits('55'); // Return 55 $result = $this->lib->valid->digits('55', '1', '100'); // Return false $result = $this->lib->valid->digits('198', '1', '100');

mixed email(string $data)

Check is valid e-mail address.

// Return $result = $this->lib->valid->email(''); // Return false $result = $this->lib->valid->email('name_com');

mixed http_host(string $data)

Check is valid host name.

// Return 'example' $result = $this->lib->valid->http_host('example'); // Return '' $result = $this->lib->valid->http_host(''); // Return '' $result = $this->lib->valid->http_host(''); // Return false $result = $this->lib->valid->http_host('');

mixed id(mixed $data [, int $min = 1])

Check is valid id. By default, min = 1.

// Return 55 $result = $this->lib->valid->id(55); // Return false $result = $this->lib->valid->id(0); $result = $this->lib->valid->id('test');

mixed ip(string $data)

Check is valid IP Address.

// Return '' $result = $this->lib->valid->ip(''); // Return false $result = $this->lib->valid->ip('192.168.0'); $result = $this->lib->valid->ip('19216801');

mixed password(mixed $data [, int $min = 6 ][, int $max = 128])

Check is valid password (with 6-128 chars by default).

// Return 'abc#123&P' $result = $this->lib->valid->password('abc#123&P'); // Return false $result = $this->lib->valid->password(123);

mixed password_strength(mixed $data [, int $min = 6 ][, int $max = 128])

Check password strength and return level.

Return values:
-1 = not match
1 = weak
2 = not weak
3 = acceptable
4 = strong

// Return 1 (weak) $result = $this->lib->valid->password_strength('123'); // Return 2 (not weak) $result = $this->lib->valid->password_strength('123abc'); // Return 4 (strong) $result = $this->lib->valid->password_strength('123#T!abc-99');

bool required(mixed $data [, int $min = -1 ][, int $max = -1])

Check data with required length.

// Return true $result = $this->lib->valid->required('hello'); // Return false $result = $this->lib->valid->required(''); $result = $this->lib->valid->required('hello', 1, 4);

mixed username(mixed $data [, int $min = 6 ][, int $max = 128])

Check is valid username with 6-128 chars. Will start with char A-Z, a-z.

// Return 'myusername' $result = $this->lib->valid->username('myusername'); // Return false $result = $this->lib->valid->username('123'); // Return false $result = $this->lib->valid->username('1testingwithnumber');

See also: Filter class library.