
Class libraries


addons class library is the main concept in toKernel framework for accessing and working with addons.

File: tokernel.framework/lib/addons.lib.php

Usage of addons

$name = $this->lib->addons->user->get_name();

This example demonstrates how to access addon user's method get_name().

$article_obj = $this->lib->addons->article->instance();

This example demonstrates how to get a clone of 'articles' addon object.

Library methods

array all([bool $tk_only = false])

Return array of all addons with names. If the argument $tk_only is true, this method will return only addons array from /tokernel.framework/addons/

$addons = $this->lib->addons->all(); /* Returns addon names from: /tokernel.framework/addons/ and /application/addons/ array( 0 => 'users', 1 => 'articles', 2 => 'datatable', 3 => 'admin' ) */ $addons = $this->lib->addons->all(true); /* Returns addon names only from: /tokernel.framework/addons/ array( 0 => 'users', 1 => 'admin', ) */

bool exist(string $id_addon [, bool $custom_only = false])

Returns true if the given addon exists. If the argument $custom_only is true, this method will check addon only in /application/addons/ directory.

$ae = $this->lib->addons->exist('user');

object load(string $id_addon [, array $params = array()])

Load an addon and return object.

$user_obj = $this->lib->addons->load('user'); // Same as: $user_obj = $this->lib->addons->user;

If addon have the instance method, and we calling it as:

$user = $this->lib->addons->user->instance();

it will return a new cloned copy of user object.
In all other cases will return already loaded addon object.

array | bool loaded([string $id_addon = NULL])

If the argument $id_addon is null returns array with names of loaded addons. Else, return true if given addon is already loaded.

$array_of_loaded_addons = $this->lib->addons->loaded(); /* Array with names of loaded addons. array( 0 => 'user', 1 => 'articles' ) */ $loaded = $this->lib->addons->loaded('articles'); // This will return true or false.